Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Filmy points to be noted to be on safe side(My collection takin a cue from a blogger)

1. Arrange your own transportation in case if you have a plan to do a heist (Bank Job)
2. Use a suppressor with the gun you use (Most)
3. Kevlar is good (But, I do remember the dialog, Kevlar is for **ssies.) (Mexican)
4. Use Nicknames (Subrahmaniapuram)
5. If ever on radio, never reveal location(Bank Job)
6. Look for light but precious loot :D (Bank Job)
7. Have a second weapon below yer knee level (Many)
8. Take'em out with a sniper whenever possible (Sniper)
9. Make sure your gun works fine :D (Snatch)
10. Carry extra magazines (You would nt really know the number of elements you are gonna meet in the equation)
11. Never try to fake it with replica guns (Snatch)
12. Once you get inside a car, lock the doors from inside
13. Never leave yer drinks unattended (Spittin in it won't help :P) (2 Hariharnagar, Kilukkam)
14. Don't ask questions. There is no such thing as right and wrong.
15. Don't take an interest in people outside of work. There is no such thing as trust.
16. Erase every trace. Come anonymous and leave nothing behind.
17. Know when to get out, Just thinking about it means it's time,Before you lose your edge, before you become a target. (Bangkok Dangerous)
18. Proceed with talking on a phone only after confirming that it is the intended person on the other end of the line.
19. Use an ID check n response to see if the other party is under duress (Bourne Ultimatum)


At Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 8:11:00 PM GMT+5:30 , Blogger karackal said...

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